Goodreads Book Giveaway

Sacrifice the Living by Michael Andre McPherson

Sacrifice the Living

by Michael Andre McPherson

Giveaway ends November 14, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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A Book in the Mail

I always like to try new ways to market my books, and I especially like free ways to promote the novels. But I’m not always timely. A year ago, when I launched the print version of Sacrifice the Living, the novel became eligible for a Goodreads Giveaway. It was in the back of my mind, but I didn’t get around to reading the Frequently Asked Questions until today, and I discovered that the good people at Goodreads recommend doing a month-long Giveaway contest before a novel is published and a second one several months after it hits the shelves. But better late than never, so I’m giving one a try this month. It’s not really free, because I’ll have to pay postage to mail the signed copies to the ten winners. The up side is that the Goodreads staff say that an average of 60% of contest winners write a review of the novel. That’s what I’m really after, because I’ve had a few good reviews from strangers, so I hopeful that I’ll get six positive reviews. A Quick Note About Reviews: only one friend has ever reviewed one of my novels (unsolicited) and she gave it four stars because she wanted to be honest. My policy, however, is to encourage friends not to review my novels. People are smart, and they can smell pal reviews a mile away. Besides, experience shows that reviews don’t drive sales at first. The converse is actually truer: sales drive reviews. Thus the Goodreads Giveaway Contest beginning on October 10th, 2015. It may not be as great as getting reviews by people who paid to read the novel, but at least they’ll be honest reviews. Who knows, they may like it so much they buy the next three books in the series. That would be a win.
