A funny thing happened to my royalties from Amazon after I put a few of
Category: Publishing
The technophobia, true and angry anti-technology, the complete fear of new things, shocked me at
It’s made the viral rounds, been shared on Facebook and Twitter, yet Kevin Spacey’s observations
Blogs live and die on content, and I admit mine has been pretty dead. The
Got to love the guy. He’ll be missed. A video to make you smile.
I don’t necessarily believe that all change is good even though that’s the fashion these
The great thing about e-publishing is that readers can actually influence writers in a way
I never attend a con without learning something new about the publishing industry, or at
Authors are snobs. It’s about numbers and status. It’s about competition. There are so many
While I’ve been concentrating on writing, the publishing industry has changed again, making self-publishing paper