Kindle e-books are now outselling all formats of paper books (combined) in the store. I guess I better get to work on UK promotion.
Tag: Old-style books
Ad-Astra seems to be very reluctant to use the word eBooks. Perhaps it’s just style issue, but I’m worried that some of the anti-eBook sentiment that I sensed last year is still lingering around.
My first published shorts stories were in a small Canadian magazine called Storyteller–alas, now extinct.
I’m using the library again and boycotting agency priced eBooks. Why? Because they are such a bad deal for authors.
Robert J. Sawyer wouldn’t think much of my indie-published Vampire Novel if he knew it existed.
The crowd that clings to paper books has a standard set of excuses as to why they prefer dead, pulped trees over electrons as their delivery system for words.
Not everyone who reads books keeps them. Those of us who do line our walls with books do so because we love books. We like looking at them; we like holding them. Some of us even enjoy dusting them.