A funny thing happened to my royalties from Amazon after I put a few of
Category: Technology
The technophobia, true and angry anti-technology, the complete fear of new things, shocked me at
It’s made the viral rounds, been shared on Facebook and Twitter, yet Kevin Spacey’s observations
I love my kindle, but I’ve heard all the complaints from people who prefer paper
Kindle e-books are now outselling all formats of paper books (combined) in the Amazon.co.uk store. I guess I better get to work on UK promotion.
Amazon promotes those who promote themselves. If you leave it just up to Amazon to market your novel, the Amazing and Scary Amazon Algorithm will drop your novel from auto-suggest.
Never put all your eggs in one basket. This wise old saying was invoked by
The Western was the Post-apocalyptic fiction of its day.
If you think the power grid can outlast the apocalypse by a few days, you’re sorely mistaken
Blame it on sleep deprivation, new technology or simply a bad click, but it seems I launched a Google ad campaign for Vampire Road last week.