When Fiona Mcvie asked if I’d like to be interviewed for the blog, Author Interviews,
Tag: Afghanistan
The apocalypse may come in 2013 just because people are superstitious enough to make it happen.
The second craziest thing I’ve done in my life is to sign up for the
The trouble with this is that one of them doesn’t have a compelling enough reason to walk into Afghanistan.
I like writing because it’s a solitary task. I’m the complete dictator of an entire world when I sit in front of my keyboard. I decide who lives and who dies, who get’s laid and who joins the priesthood.
Writers are human beings, so unfortunately when three or more are gathered together they will break into at least two factions. I know this because I belonged to a writers group for a few years.
My novel is about redemption, about accepting fate and even a little romance, but mostly it’s about war.
There’s a box with a manuscript in it sitting on my desk. It’s the manuscript where each neatly printed page has been marred by The Fogel’s harsh scrawls.