Only 40 authors “make money” on Amazon! The horror! All the rest don’t make any
Category: e-books
Author James Patterson thinks he hates e-books and that they’re destroying libraries and bookstores, but in my humble opinion what he really hates is that the new technology allows upstarts like me to sell books that are way cheaper than his novels.
The Toronto Indie Publishing Meetup Group had it’s first gathering last week, and wow, what
When I decided to form the Toronto Indie Publishing Meetup group, I was warned (by
I’ve watched with fascination over the last four years as self-publishing changes. In the early
Blogs live and die on content, and I admit mine has been pretty dead. The
Got to love the guy. He’ll be missed. A video to make you smile.
I don’t necessarily believe that all change is good even though that’s the fashion these
The great thing about e-publishing is that readers can actually influence writers in a way
There have always been vultures in the publishing world. Phoney agents charging “reading fees” to