The last thing I wanted after a cramped plane flight was to line up at immigration so that I could get back into my own country, and luckily I was pushed to the front of the line by the security guard because of my Canadian passport. Membership has it’s privileges.
Month: March 2011
Less than a week after Barry Eilser walked away from a $500,000 dollar contract with St Martin’s Press so that he could self-publish his next novel, Amanda Hocking, the self-publishing star who has sold over 2 million copies of her e-books, has signed a seven figure deal with St. Martins for her next four novels.
So I’m working my way through the Smashwords Style guide, and I’m surprised to discover that they want me to put a long warning about copyright infringement at the beginning of my e-books.
Eisler is joining a growing number of authors who are walking away from legacy publishers.
Luckily Smashwords has a 73 page manual on how to format your MS word document so that it will upload nicely as an e-book.
Forest fires regularly sweep through Northern Ontario during the summer months, and if a town is in the way it has no chance. In 1979 the town of Cobalt, Ontario near Lake Tamiskaming lost a good chunk, with only the church, a few homes and a decaying strip plaza spared.
I note this morning that Amanda Hocking’s Switched (see post below) is for sale on
I prefer not to simply publish links to other people’s content on this blog, but
There are lot’s of ways to get an ISBN number for self-published books or e-books, but I chose to go all the way and become a Canadian publisher.
Rebecca Senese and I shared a strange place in the history of Storyteller Magazine before we even met.