I saw the new Mad Max movie the other day, and while I really liked the
Category: Writing
When Fiona Mcvie asked if I’d like to be interviewed for the blog, Author Interviews,
A day of machine guns and helicopters in a huge gravel pit during production of
Check out the prologue for book three of the 1000 Souls.
Just when she thought she and mom were going home, the Redemption Brigade came for them. Margaret didn’t understand who they were at the time because she was only seven, and up until that day she had always assumed that all humans were friends, could never hurt one another or shoot one another. Only the rippers were evil. Only the night needed to be feared.
Abandon hope all ye who enter here. Blogging requires commitment, and all the experts warn
The second craziest thing I’ve done in my life is to sign up for the
If you think the power grid can outlast the apocalypse by a few days, you’re sorely mistaken
All the great success stories on Amazon–from Amanda Hocking to John Locke–have one thing in common: multiple books.
Fogel and I have been debating how e-books will affect freelance editors. I’m guessing that people who want to indie e-publish will be swamping freelancers in-boxes with edit requests.