Promotional Bombs to be Avoided

I confess that one of the ways I’m a bad marketer is that I’m a lurker. I read the posts on the Goodreads apocalypse lists or Kindle Boards with fascination, but I rarely comment. I always feel like I’ve arrived too late to the conversation and that everything that can be said has been said. Then the thread goes for another two hundred comments. Apparently there was more to talk about.

I’m trying to get over this bizarre disability since it significantly lowers my profile and people can’t get to know me, but at the same time I don’t want to be one of these authors: the bombers. That’s an author who jumps into a thread and just shoves his/her book links into the collective faces of the group, usually without even bothering to state why this is relevant to the conversation. I know how I feel about spam/robocalls/telemarketers/twitter spammers. I never want to market this way.

I do, however, want to stop lurking and start interacting with people. It just seems sociable.

Here’s the article Future of Ink on why not to promo bomb.
