I’ve turned into one of those bloggers. You know the kind: they start up, blog excitedly every day for a few weeks, then slip to twice a week, once a week, and stop all together. I guess they thought a massive following would be instantaneous, or was deserved.
Believe it or not, I’m not one of those bloggers. But a monster did eat my life. I’d tell you all about it, but I learned from a wise man in the film industry that I don’t have to.
His name is Frank Polyak. I was his camera trainee back in the early 90s on a show called Top Cops. After I’d upgraded to Second Assistant Camera, he called to see if I could come out on Forever Knight. I couldn’t make it and babbled my excuses. He called me again a different night and I joined them for some fun film making. He called me over to the camera during a break in shooting and said, “You know when I called you last time and you couldn’t make it? Well, I don’t give a damn about your girlfriend or your promises or anything like that. When people call you and you’re busy, you should just tell them you’re not available. Excuses are boring and it’s none of our business as to why you’re not available.”
So here it is: I’m not available until January 7th. This blog will be idle until then.
But I’m not one of those bloggers who fades away. I like my writing too much.
Okay, if your dying of curiosity here it is: MY DOG ATE MY BLOG!
Happy New Year!